Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Full Length Zipper Bathrobes

Renfe mobility and health

Dear readers of this good page I tell them that I put in a claim Renfe:

the Guadalajara train station only has 2 narrow turnstiles with readers and reader front door without opening the box office tickets and is in the one who spends a bike comfortably.

The day September 25, 2008 we had several run-ins with a ticket agent who sold tickets at the station from 19h alderedor Guadalajara (a blockbuster that has a gray beard.)

Guadalajara We were three people who were going to move to Madrid on the train that came from Guadalajara to 19.04 h with our three bikes (one per person).

- The first person, after talking on friendly terms with the box office (because they had problems and talks the two preceding days) and talk about the rules, asked if he opened the front door, he said yes, and tomorrow too, opened and happened.

- The second person, after taking the ticket at the box office and chop through a turnstile without passing close (the door after a few minutes to shut down), asked him, please him to open the front door, and same box office said that as the bicycle was not painted on the door, that door was not for bikes and not to bother, so do not open, and the second person to lift the bike tube on the glass wall (More than five feet tall) and jump the turnstiles that are lower than the wall (I already had the ticket chopped), then put a claim

- The third (disabled) told him that if he opened the door and The box office said that with the mess mounted (by the above) is not opened it, and went with the bike standing up because the handle would not fit through the narrow turnstile.

- After a young man has come to bike, and would not like the bike because later on the train, talking to him says he never opens the front door and lifting the bike goes

Imagine, other clients train as they have been, because there have been voices stunned and expects to ship the tickets ...

I want, because I am a customer of closeness and English trains, tell me where I have to go with my bike, and that being allowed by existing regulations from 9 am on weekdays, I will not discuss with any employee, I travel not to waste time arguing or waiting.

And besides, you instruct the box office, where we have to go through the luggage will not fit through the turnstiles or bicycle.


The fact that seems the last century has been repeated at stations with the same characteristics as ours, but now that is going to spend 4 million euros (do you think?) to fix some stations as saying the new digital Alcarria (20 / 10/2008) Well, maybe even a touch of something to put the sticker on the bike at the front door of the turnstiles and so can not tell us the hit that we are not open .... Health

With Alicia

bike before you get in the car when traveling in Guadalajara, even walking!

Monday, October 20, 2008

3 Hp Gamefisher Motor Carb

Tremendous figures giving Soria. The relationship between pollution produced by the models mobility and health, rarely sets (indeed, often invisible).
One more reason to promote sustainable mobility.

Minister of Health and Consumption, Bernat Soria, stressed today that if the cities of Bilbao, Madrid and Seville implement programs to combat air pollution, which represent a reduction of the speed vehicles, and issuing gases, decrease the respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, which would prevent over 3,700 deaths each year.
This not only has an impact on health, but also in the number of hospitalizations and its economic impact on low work.
Soria gave as an example the program to improve air quality in Barcelona, \u200b\u200band stressed that if the city managed to bring their level of contamination and therefore recommends the EU, would prevent some 1,200 deaths, 600 hospitalizations and more than 14,000 episodes of bronchitis or asthma per year. It would lead to reduced health costs between 1,000 and 2,300 million euros.
Investment in health policies related to the environment can have a profit of five to one, is an investment that benefits multiplied by five. Human health is suffering a greater extent and more importantly the consequences of environmental disasters.
Minister of Health has stressed that it is obvious that the environment has to do with health. Are no studies that indicate that over 24% of disease burden can be correlated with the environment. Soria
inaugurated yesterday by the Minister for Science and Innovation, Cristina Garmendia, and Director of Research at the European Commission, José Manuel Silva, a meeting of European experts who will analyze the strategic plans in the field of health research. Garmendia
has highlighted the importance of influencing behavioral change through education, to raise awareness on issues such as water or energy saving. Our responsibility
social science is to reconcile with society and I think we have advanced some steps in this direction, for science and technology are critical components currently on the political agenda to promote the socioeconomic development of the most disadvantaged societies.
The expert meeting will serve to prepare the second high level for the V Ministerial Conference of the World Health Organization (WHO) on Environment and Health to be held next year in Italy. According to WHO statistics, environmental health measures could save 18 million lives annually throughout Europe.
Source: El País

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Hiking Boots With Red Laces

More on mass rapid transit

I put a link here to an interesting interview that was mayor of Curitiba in Brazil, Jaime Lerner was one of the first rapid-transit drivers. The interview is very suggestive. I recommend it.
The question remains, how could it be that "urban acupuncture" in Guadalajara?