Saturday, September 25, 2010

Where To Buy Bottomless Tostada Chips

Arta Arta The train blows away the vegetation over 16 feet wide along the route


May 2010 From tallers

September 2010
Trem De Manacor Arta Tram. Destruction of the field. Still have not built bridges and tunnels.



Before starting the destruction of the countryside by the construction of the train with less demand for Mallorca. In tallers

September 2010 From tallers

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Olevia Tv S12 Manuals

metropolitan mobility irritates me and discover the new Benimámet

I have not been ... I swear.

Did Tia Mowry Relax Her Hair

SFM has not published an analysis of a plot to Cala Ratjada years after receiving

análisi SFM hired for 350,000 euros in April 2009

Alternative to Rail Association calls on SFM (Ferroviaris Serveis de Mallorca), CTM (Consortium of Transports de Mallorca) and the Department of Transportation to publish studies of alternative routes and mode of the line Arta - Cala Ratjada the cost and feasibility analysis. The contract for this study was published in the BOIB 52 of 09.04.2009 an amount of 350.00 Euros. According to the BOIB the contractor had to deliver the results of studies in six months, ie a maximum in late October 2009. For almost a year that this analysis should be made public.

The results of this study condition the railway construction project Manacor to Arta, because in the Railway Transport Plan Balearic this line was referred to Cala Millor Cala Ratjada through. If there are pieces of track where the form is poor because there are railway transport modes more efficient public, as the bus, the construction of the line to Arta is not economically or environmentally viable and socially and would have to stop the execution of the work.

De Arta Cala Ratjada provides public transportation by train, you have to build a new road layout, and this has important environmental costs. Therefore we request the release of the results of the analysis of the path and mode of the line Arta - Cala Ratjada.

The Association covers the application on the grounds that the provisions of Act 27/2006 of 18 July, which regulates the rights of access to information, public participation and access to justice in environmental matters. The route to Cala Ratjada is a vital issue for the environment and if you build a new railway line will have very serious effects on the environment. The public must be informed of the process and must be able to participate. Remember that the path from Manacor to Arta also has a permanent and irretrievable environmental impact and that this train is destroying the rural environment Llevant de Mallorca.

The tram train to Manacor Arta is not justified

From Alternative to Rail Association - Network of Llevant Mobilitat, we recall that the train from Manacor to Arta is not justified because it is built without any basis to suggest that is the best mode of transport for the region, and have not been carried out the analysis on the different modes of public transport (train or bus).

In other areas, such as the Camp de Tarragona, there dissertations that militate against the implementation of railway and tramway for its high impact on the area, the low flexibility of travel, low population density and the spread of this and because there are other modes of public transport more cost effective.

In early September, the association asked CTM, SFM and the general direction of mobility, the new studies of mobility Antoni Verger, general director of mobility, announced that they had made a interview with members of the association. This information has not been submitted to the association. You have to take into account, however, that these studies, if any, were made after the tender for the execution of Arta train, so this project is being implemented without any basis justifies it.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Shelf Life Wiper Blade

Call Trace 59 "Dynamic Space"


Summons published in Trace Magazine

59th The TRACE magazine to be published in July 2011, aims to address the issues, places and the temporality of spatial dynamics from the perspective of archeology and anthropology. Thus, issues of ownership and modeling of space will be enriched by the contribution of various approaches.

TRACE: Travaux et Recherches dans les Amériques du Centre .

and Elodie Marion Forest More

jja.cemca @

Deadline for submissions: November 1, 2010

Diffusion CEMCO 55 40 59 21, 22 and 23 ext. 117

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Denise Milaniimplants

alternative to the train meets Antich Verger because they do not get

Mobility reports that have not yet made public the studies that justify the request Llevant train

On Thursday 2 September at five in the evening, several members of the Association Alternative to train met with Antonio Verger, general director of mobility and Jaume Jaume, CEO of SFM (Serveis Ferroviaris de Mallorca). The meeting of the Government referred to the President Francesc Antich, who would not receive members of the association and delegates to Verger, Immaculate and Salamanca, manager of the MLC (Consortium of Transports de Mallorca).

The Association had requested on several occasions since early spring, a date with Francesc Antich, the president was begging and the end refused to receive them. The reason for this request was first person to explain his vision of unjustified Llevant train project and the reasons for opposition and the suggestion of a more sustainable alternative, based on Greenways and bus network. They also wanted to know why the PSOE PSIB-building fails in its electoral program train with less demand for Mallorca and without have carried out relevant studies of mobility, which promised at the time.

association members, residents on the island of Mallorca, concerned about the environmental impact of the project without justification by the low potential demand, developed a battery of questions to Verger. The following summarizes questions and answers. The meeting lasted an hour and a half without leaving the opposition confronted loop without reaching any point in common, and more inconsistencies arise during the imperial electoral political discourse.

Question: Why have not conducted studies of mobility and are based in studies carried out in 2001 between the broker Inca Manacor?

Response Summary: We have recently updated their studies during the years 2008-2009. Can order them from the manager of the MLC. They analyzed the potential demand, the passage of dense cores historic train, commuting data. I can tell you that 54% of the permanent population living near the train passes. When Cala Ratjada will reach about 66% of the permanent population. The train does not go to the tourist because they are more scattered. And they will demand a million passengers.

Interpretation Alternative Association to train: We are tired of asking for mobility studies justifying the project and then yet once silenced if it did. I've asked on allegations in resources, in the administrative and direct requests and letters to the Ministry of Transportation to SFM and the MLC. We dated copy of all these requests and never has been no response. And now we are told that we ask. How often do you have to ask for what we give or make public?

Verger said the figures would show us the memory without study, neither the methodology nor the company that had done. Did give us the dates 2008-2009. Interpret These studies are being done to justify with numbers "on demand" bad acting because if they had done thoroughly before deciding to build the train and make the basic project have served to see if the project is sufficient demand or no. This shows that started the 2007-2008 train project without knowing the potential demand and that they had conducted the studies.

Question: Why are you criticizing that the meter is not profitable Palma two million pasajaros and explains that he needs 18 million to be, and instead train Llevant just one million passengers who says he is going to have? How many millions of passenger train Llevant need to be profitable?

Response Summary: This is different trains, one is urban and takes only 7 kilometers and is very expensive because it is underground and the other is a tram rail. You can not compare.

Alternative Interpretation of the Association on the bandwagon: did not answer the question. Do not know how many passengers are needed to justify Llevant train, they just say that there are a million potential passengers, a figure that we do not believe it means to multiply exponentially the number of passengers now use public transport bus. No matter how romantic it is unthinkable that a train passing demand of 85,000 passengers who now use the bus lines that reach all villages of Llevant (over 20), one million passengers going in a train Cala Ratjada if it will only go for 7 houses. The shuttle buses do not encourage using trains on journeys as short as they involve longer transfers.

Question: What is the business plan? How often will the train? "Every three hours, every two hours, every hour?

Summary Response: Yes, that.

Alternative Interpretation of the Association to train: That what? "Every time? It appears that no detailed operating plan.

Question: Why build a train deficit if your company is in deficit? Can you show us the bank statement of the movements of his public company?

Response Summary: For all public transport deficits. We will not teach them the bank statements.

Alternative Interpretation of the Association to train: Do citizens have no right to see the accounts and results of operations of public enterprises? That lack of transparency, and that this Govern boasts in all public statements to be transparent.

Question: Do you use public transportation?

Summary Response: No, because we have no time. We did not get to work soon. Before the car arrived and we parked at work. We have no train that takes us. We are not going by bus. The rest if you will use in urban centers because there are problems parking. Those who live in Lloseta use it. Now we have to expand the parking Marratxí because it uses a lot of people there.

Alternative Interpretation of the Association to train looks like you do not appreciate the time everyone else. The vast majority will think the same of his time. Why take the train or bus if you drive faster and get right where we need to go to work? Marratxí Lloseta and are bedroom communities of people working in Palma and the train ride is only 20 minutes faster than by car if you park there. In Llevant the journey is much longer reach and faster Palma drive, and if the destination is the very Llevant, the train does not reach the coast is where people go to work, and people will not take the car to go to the train station to wait for 15 minutes are Llevant anywhere in the same car.

Question: Have you noticed on the environmental impact that they are committing brutal? An important point is real estate speculation.

Response Summary: You distort the information about the environmental impact because they only take a few sentences of the report loose. I remind them that the environmental impact has been approved by the committee and have been the corrective measures, and that you do not have in their communications. Please inform us if they see something that is not right because we want this done right. All projects have environmental impacts but in this case unless the highways. We opt for trains and not by highways and roads. We do not understand the real estate speculation. We prefer urban growth to the scattering of homes in an agricultural environment.

Alternative Interpretation of the Association to train: a train bet for new project parallel to the split between Manacor and Sant Llorenç. While the train is projected that Government approved the split for road plan. Let's have a double impact on the environment, now the train and in a few years, the split (though the Bloc is opposed to splitting their Govern the Covenant on approving it, it makes the train Govern because it has less environmental impact) . The environmental impact report has been approved by the same commission or similar to that approved the environmental impact report for any other project is a highway or a golf course. Every project has its environmental impact report approved. Of course there is a brutal impact on the environment, even if it is approved by a government which calls itself "green." Trains carry economic and urban development. Just look at the between Manacor and Palma villages through which the train as they have grown. A train is not ecologically sustainable if it is not empty.

is also incomprehensible that intrastructure railway transport and roads belong to different bodies. The roads on the island, having roads on all islands, develops the Consell de Mallorca, Mallorca, and the train, having just train in Mallorca, the Balearic Islands of Illas. We are not talking about train routes - roads. We talk about public transport infrastructure in use to avoid destroying more land.

Question: As you know we have brought an administrative dispute because the train project is based on a wrong law. What we say about this?

Response Summary: His lawyers must be very bad (synonymous with incompetent) . We rely on a state law analogous to the Balearic Islands proper and applicable law by not taking itself on rail.

Alternative Interpretation of the Association to train: We are not lawyers. We relied on our lawyers and we will not remove the dispute until you have something that will prove us wrong. It faced an opinion from their lawyers and our lawyers. What we see is that the rest of autonomous communities who have transferred responsibilities have legislated on rail and instead Balearic have not done, which makes us think that our lawyers are right.

Question: If applicable state law would also fail to comply because they do not meet the legal requirement that a train has to be economically and socially.

Response Summary: We have no scales to interpret that is economically viable and socially. Public transportation is always in deficit. I repeat that when the train arrives at Cala Ratjada reach 66% of the permanent population. You can ask the data to the CTM. Look at countries such as Sweden where they are not profitable.

Alternative Interpretation of the Association to train: the train arrives 66% of the permanent population does not mean that use it. Must have scales to determine what is feasible or socially and economically profitable. White minister should be based on some indicators to decide which lines are running statewide closing due to the crisis. Provided examples of politicians Baleares are operating with other countries laws of foreign countries, not English law with which they based their project.

Question: We do not understand because at the end of 2008 draft had only a few workshops in Arta Side lane of average or high density, and 6 months presented a new project with two workshops each in Arta and other in Son Carrio. If they knew they wanted to take the train to Porto Cristo when projected Artà train creieron not convenient to the shops in Son Carrio, in a place where there is no rail connection medium or high density, on the contrary, pass by a single street in front of the school to get why they changed their minds? It is more cost. The mayor of Sant Llorenç told us they want to do a train museum in Son Carrio.


Summary: What you say the mayor is their problem, we know nothing of a museum. When doing a project are things that could be improved and changed. Felt it was better to other workshops, correct, garages, in Son Carrio for a future course in Porto Cristo and we saw when we had the project done, so I modified it. Addition, there are no workshops but Carrió auxiliary parking. It is not the same.

Alternative Interpretation of the Association to train: Do not understand why so much destruction for a parking assistants. It is transforming the bucolic countryside station are in an industrial Carrio, when projected Sant Llorenç is an industrial estate near the train station and industrial activity is building material.

Question: Why have not done a study on the mode of public transport? The train is the only means of public transport are also buses. It appears that this would double the cost because they have two modes coexist in a territory as small.

Response Summary: Let's put trains and buses. Are you telling us that without these studies also have to take the train to Inca Manacor? The rail transportation plan approved by another government plans to build the rail network and we will.

Alternative Interpretation of the Association to train: As if, perhaps with extensive studies to determine the optimal mode of public transport i would effectively it is better to a network of buses and no trains. There are dissertations that have come to this conclusion in areas similar to ours, as it is in the Baix Camp de Tarragona. We know that not all projects approved by other governments are appropriate and transparent in Mallorca There is a long history: Palma Arena, road split Manacor, Son Espases, Son Oms, Palacio de Congresos, Can Domenge ...

rail transport plan concludes that Llevant line is the least priority because it has the least demand. Moreover, the demand study was conducted with a laconic study of 200 surveys conducted in 2001 with passenger corridor Inca - Palma.

Question: We leave a proposal to convert the old railroad tracks in Greenways. It is a far more sustainable and economically beneficial to his political train. There is still time to rectify before elections.

Response Summary: Do not even look at it or interested.

Alternative Interpretation of the Association to train: The train is a project Llevant economically unsustainable because it is not socially profitable. A greenway would be a better option, more sustainable tourism adjusted, and an engine of economic development for the peoples of the interior, improving the quality of life for its inhabitants to have some roads with motorized traffic. Aumas can not continue the bus the train. There must be an ecological buses, efficient and better than the estimated frequency of the train, in this way, without serious study.