urban mobility and tram
development communications has led in recent decades a change in citizen behavior and dispersion of urban space.
One consequence of these behavioral changes has been increased distance traveled in everyday use and the frequency of them, leading to increased population pressure are the main attractions of the modern metropolis.
Bay metropolitan area of \u200b\u200bCadiz-Jerez, Andalusia's third in population after Seville and Malaga, has not been immune to this process despite being a polynuclear area distributed more evenly pressure to get their towns.
public transport to compete effectively with the private sector must meet three basic principles: frequency, average speed of travel and accessibility. Rail transport in its various forms (heavy rail, metro, tram, etc ...) has proven to be one of the modes of public transport more efficient not only in terms of energy consumption per passenger but also fulfills the above premises reasonably provided the infrastructure permits. The only railway line that has the metropolitan area-Jerez Cádiz Bay currently has a number of shortcomings in the areas of frequency and average speed derived mainly from the fact that runs on single track and a layout that requires you to surrounding the bay. Unfolding of the railway that runs the Ministry of Development will help to raise the frequency of service by increasing road capacity and increase the average speed by eliminating the wait for the convoys to allow crossings.
Furthermore, the Andalusian is running the streetcar rail line Cádiz-Chiclana-San Fernando, on the one hand allow access to rail to the town of Chiclana de la Frontera, which has more than 77,000 inhabitants and significantly improve the accessibility of users to this means of transport in the municipality of San Fernando to travel on Royal Street. Moreover, it is in draft line-Puerto Real, Cadiz Jerez whose route will pass through the new bridge at La Pepa, which closes the ring rail allowing a more effective service by reducing travel time between the two main centers in the metropolitan area.
Quiñonez Juan Antonio Sánchez
Published in Diario de Cádiz .