Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Can Someone Fake Kidney

Motion to request the inclusion of Guadalajara in the Travel Pass C2

Izquierda Unida
will present at the next plenary session a motion requesting the inclusion of capital Guadalajara in the C2 zone travel pass, as it corresponds to the distance in miles of Madrid. The picture says it all in the area where we are and where we should be.

is a matter of justice that would alleviate the disproportionate increase this card has had in recent years. Hopefully you have luck.

IU began a campaign demanding an end to discrimination against Guadalajara in the travel pass

Written by Newsroom
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
The coalition submitted a motion in Provincial and City Council requesting the Board to negotiate new terms with Madrid
IU critical that people in Guadalajara are integrated into a more expensive area of \u200b\u200bfertilizer to municipalities Madrid furthest from the center
GUADALAJARA, 24/02/1909. 17 h. Izquierda Unida de Guadalajara
has launched a campaign that calls to end the discrimination faced by users of the Travel Pass Madrid traveling from the municipalities of the province.
The coalition will present a motion at the next plenary of the Delegation, this Thursday, and the Hall capital, on Friday at the request of both institutions are directed to the Community Board that this administration negotiates with the Madrid review the conditions of the areal distribution of fertilizer. Izquierda Unida
want to include the town of Guadalajara at least in the Zone C2 "," as well corresponds to the distance that separates him from Madrid "or fees that apply under this tariff crown.
"The price of fertilizer transport depends on the working area where you place the municipality in which you reside. In the Community of Madrid, the areas are determined based on its distance from the city of Madrid. The city of Guadalajara, and other towns in the province, despite being much closer than other municipalities of the Community of Madrid, are included in the E1 or E2 of the travel pass. The fare zones E1 and E2, which apply in the province of Guadalajara, representing a monthly cost of transporting manure that reaches the 93 and 111 euros respectively, emember from the coalition.
also remember that IU Guadalajara belong to these areas, users are denied access "annual fee" which itself referred to other areas, "and that a discount of one month each year the amount of travel pass."
Also remember that unlike IU other modes of transportation that exist in manure Madrid, in the case of the elderly do not apply reduced rates, although the routes that are performed when the origin and destination belong to Castilla-La Mancha transport is free.
The coalition, which recalls that in the past year travel pass E1 and E2 rose almost 10%, said that the travel pass is used primarily "for workers and students who have a medium-low purchasing power, which in many cases only have on public transport the only alternative to go to work or study center, "and believes that the current crisis requires the intervention of the government" for public transport more affordable to lower income, while it promotes this type of mobility, which favors a more sustainable from all points of view and especially the environment. "
IU argues that its position on regional boundaries "should not be a barrier to access to services offered in this case the Community of Madrid under the same conditions as citizens of Madrid, and recalled that the university relations, trade and labor in our province are much stronger that we have with many towns of Castilla-La Mancha. "border effect should serve to give the positive value of each of our communities and not otherwise," The coalition says in its motion.


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