an administrative dispute is brought against the new railway line project from Manacor to Arta for being based on a misguided law has not been applied
Alternative to Rail Association - Red Llevant Mobility has filed an administrative appeal against the decision of Government council of the Ministry of Transportation and Planning dated 27.11.2009 on the desetima the appeal lodged against the decision of the Governing Council dated August 28, 2009 on final approval of the project " Reopening of the railway station: Link - Arta. Phase II: Manacor-Arta "and declaration of emergency occupation of the affected land for expropriation necessary.
In the administrative appeal asked for the nullity and we argued that the legislation behind this project stems from an erroneous basis of a law wrong. In fact, the Government of Balearic Islands has not legislated on railway.
was not until Dec. 22 to receive the notification of dismissal of the appeal by the Ministry of Transportation and Planning, and later in the process, and after having asked for a certificate of administrative silence. The answer given to us by the Ministry of Transportation and Land Management (now called Mobility and Environment) is unsatisfactory because there is no argument about the law on which it relies to justify the project is limited to explaining the laws of expropriation process. The Association
Alternative the train seems sad and unpleasant to have to come to court. Unfortunately the lack of rigor in justificaión and suitability of the project and in the administrative process does not leave us no choice. We expected that a government which boasts of being transparent and dialogue would have responded to the many letters we have sent both the President and the Parliament, but it seems that none is interested in self-criticism on this project. Only a few deputies and heads of Business Development and the State Government we have responded indicating that this issue was not of their competence. Also hoped that a government has to worry about all the citizens were a little interested and aware of the reasons we have to be against this project.
wish you also remind you that we bring you a dossier with the documentation we have gathered on this project to reopen the rail line Manacor - Arta, which indicate all the reasons that this project has no justification and no consensus. It can be downloaded (2.6 M) in
In the dossier explain who we are, people of all sorts and conditions, some affected by expropriation and other not, but if affected by not having a public transport efficient. And most people are concerned about environmental destruction in the region of Llevant, because of these macro infrastrurcturas pharaonic public disproportionate and lack of efficient public transport.
We made sure that the report was easy to read, being written with integrity and being referenced each of the words. I appreciate
reflect on this project with so many irregularities, many faults, rigor and justification.
Association's intention to train alternative is to stop this project and really bet by public transportation, friendly nature that is truly sustainable and competitive with the car.
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