Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Mooney Ignition Switch

"shuttles from Guadalajara to Toledo? RENFE

leave here this press release published today in The Chronicle. While I think as I said some time due to environmental, social and the CIVIS price as an option I prefer to go to Madrid, the truth is qeu two or three shuttles a day between Guadalajara and Toledo as what time, no I seem a much less bad option (though a slightly odd choice) by substituting for it a transportation service (Direct the City) is now much longer to go to Toledo).
Think of all civil servants to move the Board, which also is a population with very similar work schedules and I could have sufficient demand. And besides, it was possible to increase the employability of people who have chosen to live in Guadalajara enough.
How do you see as an idea? I think it would be a good way to communicate with the capital of this travesty of region in which we placed a few years ago and I think that has brought us many more disadvantages than advantages.
! Ah! Happy New Year to all ...

There goes the story:

We could soon have direct AVE Guadalajara-Toledo ... if we had a useless season

Promotion ends Redacción31/12/2008
'by-pass' that will allow connections between Andalusia and Catalonia AVE bypassing Madrid. The lack of circulation from Yebes makes the news lacks relevance here.
Railway Infrastructure Administrator (ADIF) has completed the construction of the 'by-pass' that will allow South Renfe AVE operate services between cities in Andalusia and Catalonia Aragon and without having to go through the capital.
The 'bay pass' an investment of 92 million euros and consists of an infrastructure 5.25-kilometer line linking Madrid-Seville, at Los Gavilanes (Getafe), with the high-speed Madrid-Barcelona, \u200b\u200bin this case as kilometer 12 in the Madrid suburb of Vallecas.
Connection 21 km reduces travel between Andalusia and Castilla-La Mancha, Aragon and Catalonia, and will reduce travel time between destinations, as it is not necessary to enter the Madrid-Atocha station.
Among the unique elements of 'by pass' highlights a viaduct over the River Manzanares of 650 meters, and an artificial tunnel 395 meters in the town of Perales del Río. It also has two steps can save other railway infrastructure, one on the Madrid-Sevilla and another on the Madrid-Barcelona.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

How To Decorate Pokemon Silver

One of the most unspeakable

In times of crisis, with inflation at 2% there is Renfe's bid for a more sustainable mobility and to encourage the social and territorial cohesion (up to 6.28% of commuter tickets as we all know is used especially by wealthier people.) It is supposed to discourage private car use now that oil is in tatters.
When do less investment in the AVE and large infrastructure and more committed to public transport, sustainable mobility and infrastructure bets such as HOV bus? I will ask it to Santa, to Santa or whoever to see if we bring it to the new year ....

up 6.2% Renfe commuter trains and a 4% EP
AVE - Madrid - 24/12/2008

Renfe 6.28% rise the price of tickets all local rail services and 4% that of high speed trains (AVE) and Long Distance from next January 1. With the new year will also rise, in this case a 5% ticket medium distance trains, both conventional (Regional) and the Avant circulating AVE lines.

Increases in different services Renfe in 2009 will exceed inflation, which closed this year is estimated at around 2%. In addition, all increases are larger than those applied in 2008. In the case of transport equipment, rail transport that have a public service, increases of 6.28% and 5% scheduled for 2009 to exceed 4% this year.
Similarly, rising 4% of the AVE will double the 2.1% that was practiced in the service in early 2008, but later, in mid-year, Renfe adjusted the prices of some lines in which the bill was lower in both homogenize the quality of service.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Consumer Reports Beard Trimmers

The amendments proposed by the City Council Modifications

news of Dean with changes in the buses. What do you think? Proposed?

The City proposes to amend five bus lines

Written by Newsroom

Thursday, December 18, 2008 Line 1
arrive in Los Valles, enter the test site of the balcony and service aumenatrá
Line 9 will have two new sections at the ends: A Las Canas, Las Lomas and Los Valles (disappears Line 6.2), and to the Brianda Mendoza.
Download the NEW MAP OF LINES 1 AND 9
Download the NEW MAP OF 3.1 AND 2 LINES

GUADALAJARA, 12/08/1918. 17 h.

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the capital City Council has issued this afternoon its proposed amendment to the city bus lines, yesterday and presented to the associations and the opposition in the Bureau of Transportation. The proposed amendment to the consistory is quite substantial, and radically affects six lines. There are also some other minor modifications. José María
Acute Transport Councillor, said that the objective of the proposed new bus lines to improve the frequencies, and e increase service to new urban developments in the city.
Councillor ensures that the proposal of the government team takes suggestions and aportacionesde individual neighbors, associations, village headman, trade associations, workers Trapsa 8empresa adjuidcataria) and other groups, and ensures that the only spirit d this work is " improve existing. "
However, a period now open for submission of proposals by members of the Bureau of Transportation, which could change a situation before it implement the new route, which is expected to begin operating in early 2009. Modifications

is one of the most experience changes. Pick up a request by traders: That the bus reaches the Ppolígono of the balcony, and to increase their service.
Three trips a day, this line will have a vehicle every 15 minutes. In addition, the district of Writers, which had an hourly bus service (every Saturday and Sunday) will now have a vehicle log every fifteen minutes.
As an improvement in this line also includes the street entrance and Battle of Villaviciosa Calle Mexico to the Estate of the balcony, serving both the industrial estate and the Cancer Center and a hospice Mexico street.
addition, the line is extended by Living Waters: from the street Albacete, Beleña Avenue, Buendia Ave, Entrepeñas Boulevard and Avenida del Vado, who will become head of the line. LINE 2

stop is eliminated in the Renfe station to avoid withholding input line causing delays and congestion in the area. However, stop by, Aritio Francisco street.
This line you actually are in every 15 or 16 minutes, will make their routes with a frequency of 12 minutes. ONLINE

3.1 (Circular)
In the sense Renfe-Hospital, also change the header stop: is delayed slightly from the square from the railway station to the street Aritio Francisco at the height of Resturante La Perla. In the sense
Hospital-Renfe stop penetrate through the loop of streets and Avenida del Atance Cáceres.
As improvements, establishing a tranche San Isidro Street, Boulevard Alto Tajo, Beech de Tejera Negra and Plaza de la Provincia. With this improvement is achieved by providing better service to the Los Valles, with a frequency of 15 minutes. ONLINE

4 (Marchamalo)
is unchanged, although probably changing the location of the initial stop, now in Santo Domingo. ONLINE

5.1 (Pol Industrial Henares)
unaltered. ONLINE

5.2 (Fernández Iparraguirre-Usan)
remains unchanged No timetable or route, but will a new coach by mid-morning, following the request of neighbors. ONLINE

6.1 (Iriépal-Valdenoches-Taracena)
Currently this line works with a single bus and a frequency of one hour Monday through Friday. With the change will also service on Saturday morning, with the same frequencies. ONLINE

6.2 (Writers-Los Valles)
Be eliminated because the residents of these neighborhoods have service with the extension of Line 1, the extension of Line 9 and Line to 3.1, with frequency of 15 minutes.

Line 7 (Station Aubotuses - The Clavin) remains unchanged

ONLINE 9 (Renfe-Hospital)
be reformed in depth, with 2 new extensions.
On the one hand, will now reach new developments. It creates a new section of line by Victoria Kent Street, Boulevard Clara Campoamor, Federica Montseny, Avda Salinera, La Colmena, Boulevard of the Sirens, Avda de Francia and Plaza of the province, serving Las Canas, Las Hills and valleys, areas that are now connected to the railway station, the Bus, the local police, the new sports center, the center of the city and the Hospital. Its frequency is 20 minutes, from 6 to 22 h.
The second extension is from Calle Dos de Mayo Brothers Fernández Galiano, Pedro Sanz Vázquez, Francisco Aritio and the railway station, serving the IES Brianda Mendoza and the district of La Rambla.
These two additions will change the route. The new route will be: Hospital, Blood Donor, C / Toledo, Virgen del Amparo, Boixareu Rivera, Avda de Barcelona, \u200b\u200bCuesta de Hita, Avda de Alcorlo, Atance, Rodonta of the Province, Avda de France, Boulevard Mermaids, Hive, Salinera, Clara Campoamor, Entrepeñas, Avda del Vado, Laguna Grande, Tunnel of Living Waters, Calle Dos de Mayo, Hermanos Fernández Galiano, Pedro Sanz Vázquez, Francisco Aritio and Renfe station

These buses Friday and Saturday night will not change routes, but schedules.
response to demands from neighbors, the line to The Springs will have a new start at 2.30 pm from Santo Domingo, and anticipates the last service, from 5 to 4 h.
line the neighborhoods annexed, the contrary was delayed nearly an hour at its output. Dominic leave to Iriépal and Taracena at 5 pm instead of 4:10 pm today

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Email After Baby's Arrival

bus lines

I went to the table of mobility on behalf of Ecologists in Action with the theme of change to city bus lines, give some details but I have no changes, says the council. tomorrow we will send it, I summarize:

Traps One has told us there on time changes to make suggestions to the day January 16 Friday.

lines that seek to modify: 1, 3.1, 2, 9 and owls

autobuseros Representatives of very interesting things have been said, and question the frequency and travel time

In Q & A - Representative ONCE: bigger signs and colorful
- represent you in the autobuseros invention for bus stop.
I have said:
- transfer by bus. single-ticket (card already)
- put bicycle racks on a bus. rising from the station
- In Environmentalists think it's best promote the use of public transport even less out of the private, or seem either to authorize only two bus stops ASTRA removing the stops from the center and the station renfe as somewhat high users come to the center and move the train stops and these users no longer serves the TP and will come with a car, further increasing the circulation in the center and the renfe and parking even though the arguments of EG. The greenest position is that there are fewer cars, more TP, encourage pedestrian and bike travel, but it seems that these measures assists circulation of private cars by giving them the car spending public money on it and no bike (the Councillor says we are not here for this blah, blah, blah ...).

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

How Often Can I Drink Linden Tea


I have been astonished to read the news herein below: The city council gives permission for only two stops from the Astra Plan, the Bus Station and Hospital.
What does this mean? All buses to communicate with people from Guadalajara around can not stop at other sites (and in the hospital with restrictions) beyond those listed by traffic congestion.
trace, come on. On one side the people to use public transport rather than take the car. For another, not allowed to park in the center "because there are 13000 vehicles in that area." And for that are based on technical reports. Total
that the solution is not to allow the stop in the middle. Did not have come up with other options to restrict traffic in the center? Do not occurred to them that if the bus does not stop at the center or at Renfe people continue to go to these places in a private vehicle? Have they been thought that the side Renfe will the campus where people can not go by bus from towns near Guadalajara? How will a person go to the train station by bus if the bus drops you off at the bus station?
All this leads me to a previous question to all these, do they matter quite some mobility and the sustainability of these people or just care that there are no traffic jams and for this the only solution they can think of is to make more and more parking?

And then there's the second part: ask for money to refurbish the bus station. What's happened is not remodel or Renfe Santo Domingo to find ways to stop allowing more buses there and look for yet another model of mobility? Sooner or later he will have to do porqeu ode Rende is untenable. I wonder how soon realized ...

The City only issues permits for two stops on the Astra Plan: Bus Station Hospital

Guadalajara City Council has already replied to the Board, on account of the stops that allowed within the city buses of the future "supra Transport Area" (Plan Astra). And he did admit only two of the four stops requested. Technical reports have rejected any possibility that the three lines stop at the station Astra Renfe and Santo Domingo, and have limited stops at University Hospital (albeit with a maximum of one car per line and time) and the bus station in the capital.
This was stated this morning's consistory Councillor for Transport, the popular José María Agudo, who explained that yesterday held a meeting with the Director General of Transport of the Board, which forwarded this information.
The Board requested permission last summer to make stops, and the council now offers the final answer, in light of reports made by persons skilled in mobility Doyma, the Police and Local.
Denial Station Renfe is in the saturation of the square as an area of \u200b\u200bpublic transport. So, is the head of many urban bus lines, and also hosts the taxi stand. Sharp has said that Astra's claim was put in this area 7 vehicles per hour, and that's not possible under current circumstances. In fact, the Councillor has stated that if the Board had not removed from their forecasts comprehensive settlement Aritio Francisco, this could have been reconsidered, given that the reform could have enabled infrastructure.
Regarding Hospital stop, the rspusta yes is yes, but a little conditional: They can only drop off and pick up passengers, and no parking, and can only stop a car and time line.
The center, on the other hand, has been completely dismissed by the experts in mobility, as Santo Domingo and currently houses a traffic volume of 13,000 vehicles per day which makes it impossible to stop cars online, as well as buses urban.
Finally, the Bus Station is the central core of the stops, although subject: Sharp has requested that the cars do not regulate their schedules here, because it is clogged with traffic, and to use it only to drop off and pick up passengers. At this point, the mayor noted that reform will proceed to the station, adding more platforms, and has ensured that yesterday requested financial assistance from the Board (owner of the property, given in concession for 75 years at City Hall) for reform. "If you help, either, and if not, this year there will be a settlement of that station," he promised the town councilor, who said being asked "to the Magi." Everything points to a proposed arrangement could become the Municipal Plan recently approved by the Government.
Finally, Sharp has said he proposed to the Board the possibility of a fare integration between the Plan Astra cars and city buses, to make the offer more attractive.
also said to have suggested the creation of a fourth corridor to add the three announced. Hows and remember, the Astra Plan is divided into three lines that join 16 municipalities with the capital, frequently and copnstante. One runs through the center of the CM-1001 from humans, one in the N-320 from El Casar up Cabanillas and DC, and one in the A-2, bringing Villanueva, Azuqueca, Quer and Alovera. Sharp believes it would be good to extend the service to Horche and Pioz area and El Pozo.