Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Mooney Ignition Switch

"shuttles from Guadalajara to Toledo? RENFE

leave here this press release published today in The Chronicle. While I think as I said some time due to environmental, social and the CIVIS price as an option I prefer to go to Madrid, the truth is qeu two or three shuttles a day between Guadalajara and Toledo as what time, no I seem a much less bad option (though a slightly odd choice) by substituting for it a transportation service (Direct the City) is now much longer to go to Toledo).
Think of all civil servants to move the Board, which also is a population with very similar work schedules and I could have sufficient demand. And besides, it was possible to increase the employability of people who have chosen to live in Guadalajara enough.
How do you see as an idea? I think it would be a good way to communicate with the capital of this travesty of region in which we placed a few years ago and I think that has brought us many more disadvantages than advantages.
! Ah! Happy New Year to all ...

There goes the story:

We could soon have direct AVE Guadalajara-Toledo ... if we had a useless season

Promotion ends Redacción31/12/2008
'by-pass' that will allow connections between Andalusia and Catalonia AVE bypassing Madrid. The lack of circulation from Yebes makes the news lacks relevance here.
Railway Infrastructure Administrator (ADIF) has completed the construction of the 'by-pass' that will allow South Renfe AVE operate services between cities in Andalusia and Catalonia Aragon and without having to go through the capital.
The 'bay pass' an investment of 92 million euros and consists of an infrastructure 5.25-kilometer line linking Madrid-Seville, at Los Gavilanes (Getafe), with the high-speed Madrid-Barcelona, \u200b\u200bin this case as kilometer 12 in the Madrid suburb of Vallecas.
Connection 21 km reduces travel between Andalusia and Castilla-La Mancha, Aragon and Catalonia, and will reduce travel time between destinations, as it is not necessary to enter the Madrid-Atocha station.
Among the unique elements of 'by pass' highlights a viaduct over the River Manzanares of 650 meters, and an artificial tunnel 395 meters in the town of Perales del Río. It also has two steps can save other railway infrastructure, one on the Madrid-Sevilla and another on the Madrid-Barcelona.


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