Thursday, February 10, 2011

How Can You Damage Your Starter

Reasons to disagree with the "Line Reopening Enllaç - Manacor - Arta - Cala Ratjada"

Alternative to Rail - Network of Mobilitat Llevant - once again demonstrates his disagreement with the project "Enllaç Line Reopening - Manacor - Arta - Cala Ratjada.

This disagreement is the result of any irregularities in the study of the project.

have not published a single study alternative to rail transport because they have not done, for what is wrong on is to ensure optimum reliability and feasibility. According

Rail Transportation Plan in the Balearic Islands, this line under study is less demand and feasibility of all projects with a demand of 4% in Llevant and 8% in relation to Manacor. According to the Railway Transport Plan on page 77 and as the Transport Consortium of Mallorca the percentage rises to 25% in demand who is right?

According to the study of alternative routes and mode Manacor - Arta - Cala Ratjada with cost analysis and feasibility report of July 13, 2010, 11 alternatives were contemplated (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5A , 5B, 6A, 7A and 7B), making it clear that the memory 15 of the alternative study 0, 1, 5A, 6A, 7a dismissed as non-viability or lack of demand, 3 and 4 are discarded on the ground Porto Cristo a secondary nucleus. The 5B, 6B and 7B Artà cover access to discarded for the same reason, is a secondary nucleus to serve.

does not consider this study that the mobility required (work-study) are developed, first, to the coastal areas where almost all the hotels and therefore must move to where the service personnel as involving repairs, etc. And compulsory mobility of students moving from UIB Llevant, make the journey once a week, so that commuting Cala Ratjada - Arta - Son Servera - San Lorenzo - Manacor is very small.

Alternative to Rail believes once again that those responsible for this project have tenidio very unethical action why is why should the emergency occupation of the parties to expropriate? Why this project has been drafted in accordance with the guidelines of the basic state policy and ignores the law 16/1987 Article 157 (Chapter II) for public transport railway paragraphs 1, 2, a, b, where it is clear shall not establish building lines of these lines do not arise in economically and financially viable and socially profitable?

can not be considered socially profitable project when the cost study and feasibility report 41-42, discusses the ability to cover operating costs of operation or on the contrary, there is a large deficit and its own conclusion is: "The results show a need to subsidize the transport service for all alternatives proposed studied because there is a substantial operating deficit. "

All this considering that it has taken the optimum rate and the optimal demand.

can not be considered socially profitable jobs resulting in the execution of this project because it already provided a large deficit in its exploitation. A job is not so if it is not cost effective, which will lead to cuts elsewhere to cover it. Is UIB again suffered another 7.6% cut this year as we started? Is it healing? It is unacceptable that a project of political color but not necessary to be a brake on future innovation, training, etc. With a waste of 190 million Euros for the time and another place removed 200 research projects for lack of funding, freeze pensions, salaries are cut, etc.

We disagree with this project since it does not include the carriage of a single gram of goods by the railway line to download the 100% of transport by existing roads with the resulting energy consumption is charged on the current system.

We disagree with this project since the project 39,263 people counted among Sant Llorenç, Son Carrio Son Servera, Arta Cala Ratjada Capdepera and only 25,856 live in the centers serviced by the train (Prognosi demand Manacor public transport - Cala Ratjada horizon 2020 - 2030, the CTM CINESI to page 14) being more negative reality as yet no provision is sparsely populated which obliges us to a dual transport bus and train.

We disagree with the project since it expropriated 411,000 m2 in full at time of rearing have adversely affected the flora and fauna without intending flora reserve for replanting. Carrio Son by workshops and Arta in rural area forcing municipalities to modify the approach tangan town promoting their territory possibility of speculation as recognized in the report of Grusamar INECO. Alternative to train

considers it a waste this project since introducing the reference promoters train Kassel (region of Nordhessen in Germany) not indicated to us that in 184 miles Nordhessen spent 118 million euro, 0.64 million kilometer. And Llevant spent at least 190 million euros (238 million if you add electrification and Manacor step) for 30 miles, leaving us to 6.3 million per kilometer. All this taking SFM 211,000 meters square in the old property line that did not have to expropriate.

Llevant entire region is connected with a road network (if you have to adapt) to be optimal for a network of buses and green minibuses (which today manufactures all automotive companies) successfully managed to give a complete service without exclude scattered areas, causing no social distinction.

  • What is the rate of service?
  • What will be the time Cala Ratjada - Palma?
  • Who will compensate the loss of travel time round-trip?

In relativity time can be flexible but in this case neither the time nor money have elasticity when will the next closing? While time is money and you lose a fool but you know who loses.

can not accept that when the peninsula was closed 34 unprofitable lines and become greenways type of Castile, Navarre, Alava, which are a delight, in the Balearic community performing this work without meaning or without a clear purpose. We can not accept that 190 million euros allocated (238 according to the latest amounts) of the European Union at the end of rail lines without legislation to that effect which would like to dedicate this money to the North Pole to grow chickpeas without agriculture legislation and no chance of exploitation. Under what guise are scheduled this project? It is outrageous to close the door to a possibility of diversifying the collection of tourism to the Balearics, where a network of greenways attract responsible tourism that respects the environment, which is increase of quality for our visitors. January

leaves us with 130,000 unemployed again, this is the way of waste.


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